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9-Mar-2017A kinetic and mechanistic study of oxidation of some hydrazides by Mn III ion in acid mediumSalunkhe, Suresh TukaramDeshmukh, S N
4-Jul-2016A kinetic study of general base catalysed halogenation of 4 oxocarboxylic acids in bicarbonate carbonate buffer solutionsRani, R JamunaPushparaj, F J Maria
4-Mar-2016A study of the kinetics of oxidation of styryl ketones by pyridinium chlorochromate and of substituent effects on their 1H NMR and infrared frequenciesMurugesan, VNadar, P Ananthakrishna
5-Jan-2016A study on the electronic transport properties of vacuum deposited thin solid films of nickel cobalt and palladiumSingh, Konsam BirenHatibarua, Jajneswar
10-Jun-2016Analytical and kinetic investigations of some oxidation reduction reactions of biological importanceH M, GurubasavarajNandirewoor, S T
28-Feb-2017Anion exchange separation and kinetic studies of some metal ions in aqueous acetone carboxylic acids mediaGanbawale, Vasant ShiramKulkarni, S V
21-Dec-2023Application of modern separation techniques for nuclear materialsParab, Harshala JSudersanan, M
19-Apr-2018Assessing the risk of putrefaction of meat and its by product a scientific approach in food safetyM, SivarajanSukumar, M
30-May-2017Asymmetric synthesis of bioactive molecules using asymmetric hydroxylation aziridination of olefins and kinetic resolution of alcoholsIliyas, Sayyed AliSudalai, A
11-Jan-2016Biomethanation of waste biomassSarma, ArchanaSingh, H D
20-Feb-2017Column chromatographic separation and kinetic studies of some metal ions on dowex 50 W-X8 (NH4+) in mixed mediaJoshi, Sunil SudhakarKulkarni, S V
18-Apr-2016Comparison of Kinetic Family Drawings K F D in relation to creativity emotional indications and self concept of gifted and average elementary school childrenSundarasmita, VaruneeSethi, Asha
25-Aug-2015Degradation kinetics and stability of fluoroquinolones and its dosage formsSheth,PritiSnah,S A
18-Dec-2015Direct and kinetic spectrophotometric investigations on d block and heavy metal ions determination of Co II Al III Zr IV Pd II Hg II Ag I and Pb II using 2 hydroxy 4 methoxybenzophenone thiosemicarbanzone HMBPTS and 2 hydroxy 1 naphthaldehyde isonicotinoylhydrazone OHNAINHChennaiah,A.Reddy,V. Krishna
1-Sep-2017Econophysics - Statistical mechanics of dynamic systems and co-operative gamesGhosh, AsimChakrabarti, Bikas K
23-Jul-2015Effects of metal ions on biological systemRajesh Nagar,GayatriVora,C R
30-Jan-2017Electrochemical investigations with titanium III - Analytical kinetic and polymerisation studiesPadmalatha, PadmalathaSherigara, B S
7-Jun-2016Electron two phonon interactions in semiconductorsKubakaddi, Shrishail SKrishnamurthy, B S
8-Jul-2016Folding of horse cytochrome c thermodynamic kinetic and statistical analysisPrakash Prabhu, NBhuyan, Abani K
18-Mar-2015formulation, characterization and release kinetics of hydrophobic drugs from polymeric micellesSharma, UshaBahadur P