Browsing by Keyword Grid computing

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Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
5-Feb-2015Application of metaheuristic Algorithms for efficient job Scheduling in computational gridsNasimudeen K MAruldoss albert victoire T
11-Sep-2015Certain investigations on grid job SchedulingDevaki PValarmathi M L
5-Nov-2019Certain investigations on metaheuristic approaches for bi objective task scheduling in distributed computingSuguna MSharmila D
22-Aug-2014Certain investigations on swarm intelligence based algorithms for performance enhancement in grid task schedulingNithya L MShanmugam A
22-Aug-2014Certain investigations on topological design of networks using graph theoretical algorithms in grid environmentPeriyakaruppan KRavichandran T
23-Mar-2015Design of hybrid scheduling Algorithms for grid environmentSuresh PBalasubramanie P
19-Oct-2020Design of job scheduling algorithms in heterogeneous grid computingDaniel Sundar Rajan CGeetharamani G
26-Mar-2019DPI based forensic analysis of network traffic using grid infrastructureSharma, JyotsnaSingh, Maninder
1-Sep-2015Dwelling time aware resource Allocation techniques using Fuzzy logic in grid computingPoonguzhali MShanmugavel S
19-Aug-2014Efficient scheduling in decentralized grid environmentManavalasundaram V KDuraiswamy K
1-Sep-2014Enhanced gridway metascheduler for heterogeneous grid using trust and reputationSelvi, KWahida Banu, R S D
6-Mar-2020Ensuring reliability and high availability in cloud by employing a fault tolerance enabled load balancing algorithmGayathri, GLatha, R
20-Aug-2014Fault tolerant scheduling and load balancing for computational gridsJasma balasangameshwaraNedunchezhian R
6-Oct-2017Grid computing scalable architectures and servicesShukla, Xitij UrmilbhaiJani, N N
23-Dec-2014On scheduling in grid computingShajulin benedictVasudevan V
6-Apr-2015Reliability driven resource Scheduling algorithms for grid ComputingSyed abudhagir UShamugavel S
20-Aug-2014Scheduling divisible loads on distributed heterogeneous environmentsMurugesan GChellappan C