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19-Mar-2020Bioinspired Synthesis of Ag Cu Nanoparticles Characterization and Evaluation of their Synergistic Therapeutic PotentialSaran, MukeshBagaria, Ashima
1-Aug-2019Development of new strategies for stereoselective and green synthesis of some biologically relevant molecular scaffoldsBora PoragGhanashyam Bez
14-Mar-2018Development of novel synthetic methodologies using cellulose supported metal nano particles and green synthesis of specialty chemicalsBaruah DigantaKonwar Dilip
18-Jan-2022Electronic and antimicrobial applications of noble metal nanoparticles synthesized through various green routesRoy, KaushikSarkar, Chandan Kumar and Ghosh, Chandan Kumar
21-Jun-2019Green synthesis and characterization of gold nanoparticles for their application as anticancer drug deliveryRao, YashvantSingh, Man
23-Aug-2019Green synthesis and characterization of mineral nanoparticles and their synergistic effects with arbuscular mycorrhizal biofertilizer on vigna radiata L R wilczekSuganya, PMahalingam, PU
6-Aug-2015Green synthesis charact Biological studies of some novel OrganofluorG. SENTHILKUMARDr.H.MANIKANDAN
1-Sep-2017Green synthesis characterization and application of metal oxide nanoparticles using plant extract in presence of ionic liquidAmbika, SSundarajan, M
22-Aug-2019Green synthesis characterization and catalytic biosensing and pharmacological activities of Silver and Gold NanoparticlesUmamaheswari, CNagarajan, NS
29-May-2017Green synthesis of gold nanoparticles using medicinal plant species of assam indiaBaishya BornaliKalita Mohan Chandra
11-Jun-2024Green synthesis of metal based nanomaterials a new and unassailable approach for environmental ameliorationJasrotia, TeenuRajeev Kumar and Chaudhary, Ganga Ram
18-Jan-2022Green synthesis of metal Cu Ag and Au nanoparticles and their antimicrobial and catalytic propertiesDinda, GargiHalder, Dipankar and Mitra, Atanu
14-May-2018Green synthesis of metal nanoparticles by selected plant extracts and their biological activityPadalia, HemaliChanda, Sumitra
19-Jun-2024Green synthesis of metal oxide nanopartilces chracterization and their appliactionBhatt, KhushbooKhan, F. and Jain, V. K.
13-Dec-2021Green synthesis of metal sulphide oxide nanomaterials and its application in heavy metal ion sensing and removal of dyesIrudhayaraj SJaiswal, Adhish
31-Mar-2020Green synthesis of modified ceria nanoparticles and their catalytic activity studiesPinheiro, DephanK R, Sunaja Devi
24-Jun-2022Green synthesis of nanostructured polyaniline and its composite for energy applicationsSuba Lakshmi, MRagupathy, D
19-Oct-2016Green synthesis of noble metal nanoparticles graphine composite and their applicationsMaddinedi, Sireesh BabuMandal, Badal Kumar
13-Dec-2021Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles AgNPs from plants of Amarkantak region and assessment of their photocatalytic and biological activityChandraker, Sandip KumarShukla, Ravindra
19-Jul-2022Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles zinc oxide nanostructures and molybdenum disulphide nanosheets for pollution abatement antimicrobial and antioxidant applicationsMengistu mulu AyeleBasavaiah, K.