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Showing results 1 to 20 of 70  next >
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9-Aug-2018A few problems of couple stress theory of elasticityChel, JaydebSengupta, P R
3-Aug-2018A few problems of micropolar theory of elasticityChakraborty, DebabrataSengupta, P R
3-Aug-2018A few problems on elastic and viscoelastic waves and vibrationsBhattacharyya, SubrataSengupta, P R
17-Aug-2017A model for the formation of supermassive black hole at the centre of galaxiesYadav, Brijesh KumarDubey, G S
5-Oct-2016A study of selected clay deposits in Chitradurga Dharwad and Belgaum districts of Karnataka stateKhoshrow, AliDevaraju, T C
6-Jul-2023A study of some problems in quantum gravityPadmanabhan, TNarlikar, J V
14-Mar-2019A study on the effect of utilization of industrial and agricultural wastes in pavement systemC, RajakumarMeenambal, T
27-Aug-2018A study on the position of centre of gravity with respect to age sex and nature of activitySarkar, SusantaBhowmick, S
21-Dec-2023Aerobiological studies over the mangrove vegetation in MumbaiSingh, Sohal SatnamSasikumar, S
20-Sep-2024Applications of Renormalisation Group in HolographyPavan Dharanipragadasanatan digital
1-Aug-2023Black hole Thermodynamics of Higher Derivative Theories of GravityAnirban DindaDr Sayantani Bhatacharyya
26-Jun-2024Canonical formulation of higher order theory of gravity and the issue of branched hamiltonianMandal, RanajitSanyal, Abhik Kumar
31-Oct-2017Chern Simons theory in the context of 2 1 and 3 1 quantum gravityBasu, RudranilPaul, Samir K
2-Aug-2018Confinement in space time descriptionKumar, SushilBiswas, S
18-Aug-2017Cosmological models governing the transition era when the universe changes from radiation dominance to matter dominanceMishra, Anand KumarUpadhyay, R C
16-Mar-2018Development of water_based paints and their evaluationRamesh, DVasudevan, T and Gopalan, A
8-Jan-2016Effect of crude oil contamination on some chemical and engineering properties of soilTalukdar, Dilip KumarSaikia, Bibha Das
4-Jan-2016Effect of external gravity on plasma sheath formation in colloidal plasmasRajkhowa, Kavita RaniBujarbarua, S
1-Sep-2017Effects of curvature and gravity from flat SpacetimeRoy, DebrajBanerjee, Rabin
17-Aug-2017Exact solutions of a dynamical theory of gravity in 2 dimensional spacetimePathak, Vijay PrakashVpadhayay, R C