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Showing results 1 to 20 of 28  next >
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29-Dec-2023A Study on Sonochemical Decontamination of Graphite SubstrateSutanwi Lahiriprof d mandal
18-May-2016Chronopotentiometry at the tubular graphite electrodeGupta, Hari OmSharma, Jatinder Dutt
14-Mar-2018Corrosion behavior of nitrides on 316L SS bipolar plates for proton exchange membrane fuel cellS, Pugal ManiRajendran, N
18-May-2016Cyclic voltammetry at the tubular graphite electrodeKumari, BeenaSharma, Jatinder Dutt
18-Mar-2019Determination of mechanical tribological and thermal properties of graphite aluminum oxide and silicon carbide reinforced polyamide 6 compositesS, Sathees KumarKanagaraj, G
19-Apr-2016Dynamics of a bunch of carbon nanotubesGupta, ShuchiDharamvir, Keya
18-May-2016Electroanalytical applications of the tubular graphite electrodeManchanda, Ashok KumarSharma, L R
11-Oct-2017Electronic structure of two dimensional materials and ultra thin overlayers using angle resolved photoemission spectroscopyMahatha, Sanjoy KrMenon, Krishnakumar S R
14-Sep-2022Femtosecond laser induced periodic surface structures on metals and graphite Fabrication of low reflective surface and SERS substratesDar ,mudasir hassanRao , D. Narayana And V. S. Ashoka
27-Sep-2023First principle calculation of metal deoped nanotube and their reactivity toward small gaseous molecules in the atmosphereSonawane, Mahadev RangnathGharde, Rita A
16-Dec-2015Geology of the graphite deposits of Gujarat state with special reference to their occurrence origin beneficiation and industrial applicationsMuley,M VDesai,S D
28-Dec-2015Graphite crucible industry in east Godavary districtSomayajulu,P. V. R.Sharma,D. P.
23-Mar-2017Modelling and analysis of micro wire electrical discharge machining processSivaprakasam, P.Hariharan, P.
12-Mar-2024Neutron slowing down and attenuation in different moderatorsDuggal, Ved Prakash
10-Mar-2016Optical and interferometric studies on graphite cleavages and their etch patterns Volume 1Bahl, OP
14-Mar-2016Optical and interferometric studies on graphite cleavages and their ETCH patterns Volume IIBahl, O Pnd
11-Aug-2015Optical properties of certain colloids under external magnetic fieldsDesai,Jyotindra NawinchandraNaik,Y G
17-Dec-2015Some studies on adsorption of dyes on solid surfacesAhmed,NuruddinRam,R N
19-Apr-2016Structural electronic and vibrational properties of endohedral and hetero doped fullerenes and carbon nanotubesIsha, IshaJindal, V K
25-Jun-2024Structural optical and electrical characterization of SnO2 based transparent conducting oxide thin filmsSoumya, S SVinodhkumar, R