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16-Dec-2015A comparative study of knowledge and attitudes of extension functionaries of selected states of India and country of Bangladesh regarding population education and developing modifying the curriculla for extension funcionaries of both the countriesOjha,SulochanaChandra,A
4-Jul-2016A discrete analysis on A2 the algebraic extension of integers modulo twoGirija, GVeluchamy, T
24-Jan-2018A study of the role expectations role performance training needs and character traits of grass root level lady extension workers in Cuttack district of Orissa stateMishra, PuspalataTripathy, Amarendra
2-Aug-2023A study of viscoelastic properties of textile fibres general mathematical expressions derived for explaining inverse relaaxation and their validityNachane, Rajan PandharinathSundaram, V
8-Jun-2016A survey of users attitude towards the resources and services of university libraries in KarnatakaKumbar, MallinathSangam, S L
13-Apr-2016Administration of the agricultural extension services in PunjabAgnihotri, Narinder KumarBhardwaj, S
18-Feb-2023An Analysis of Professional Competence of Extension Personnel in North KarnatakaNair, Neethu B.Jahagirdar, K.A
7-Feb-2023Analysis of Information Technology IT Enabled Comprehensive Farm Advisory Services on Farmers Perception Acceptance and Adoption of Best Management PracticesRajeshwari N.S.S. Dolli
18-Feb-2023Attitude and Involvement of Rural Youth in Farming as a Livelihood a Study in North KarnatakaManjunath M.Bheemappa A.
30-Jan-2017Communication for transfer of technology in agriculture - An evaluative studyMurthy, Krishna M KNagaraj, K V
11-Mar-2016Construction and standardization of an achievement test in the area of home science education and extension for the home science colleges in GujaratPandya, KiranJoshi, A S
4-Jul-2016Customer response towards brand equity and brand extension on consumer durablesVani, UChinnadorai, K M
25-Oct-2016Extension education and development of agriculture a micro studyPattanaik, Bikram KeshariNaik, Dibakar
24-Jan-2018Extension education under community development projects of Orissa a systems analysis of constraints resources and trendsDash, AlakaraniShastry, V B
26-Apr-2016Extension in rural development a study of Wardha district Maharashtra stateSayankar,Dnyaneshwar MarotraoDharudu,P. Murali
5-Jan-2016Extension of passenger transport to rural areas a case study of Cuddapah experimentSaraswathi Devi,Thodime.Reddy,C. Venkata
11-Mar-2016Impact of brand extensions on new product choiceBapat, DhananjayPatel, G H
12-Feb-2018Indias nuclear policy 1947 to 98Rout, BimbadharSatapathy, Brahmananda
21-Aug-2017Infant feeding practices in relation to growth and development of babies 0 1 yr in Parmanandpur and carrying out extension education programmes for their motherTiwari, VandanaSingh, Anita
7-Feb-2023Innovative Behaviour of Seed GrowersKashappa N. MaliA. Bheemappa