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Showing results 1 to 20 of 45  next >
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6-Dec-2023A critical study of the concept of service under the consumer protection actWarke, Prabhakar CKhodie, Narmada
18-Aug-2017A study of machiavellianism in relation to interpersonal exploitation behavioural dysfunction and mental healthSrivastava, ShaliniSingh, Nageshwar
25-Oct-2016A study on awareness of consumers on consumerismBohidar, Suresh ChandraParida, Prafulla Kumar
29-Dec-2021Aupniveshik Shoshan Ka Pratirodh Aur Hindi KahaniRai, SatyendraSharma, Satyapal
25-Jan-2018Caste dominance patronage and exploitation in two peri urban villages of coastal OrissaMishra, RajalaxmiMahapatra, L K
18-Oct-2016Child labour exploitation in Assam a socio legal study with special reference to the district of BarpetaBarman, MridulaBora, Jyoti Prasad
25-Oct-2016Child labour practice in rural economy of OrissaAdhikary, MrutunjayMishra, Sarojini
27-Feb-2024Communication and social welfareRege, G MGhurye, G S
26-Oct-2016Cytogenetical studies on African cultivated rice oryza glaberrima steud with special reference to the exploitation of this germplasmRatho, S NSaupath, S
8-Sep-2023Development and validation of molecular markers for rust resistance and quality traits in wheatDas, Bikram KishoreJawali, Narendra
15-Jan-2018Development of a curriculum framework on human rights education for the children below fourteen years of ageSahoo, SwarnapravaPradhan, Nityananda
27-Oct-2023Economic impact of structural adjustment programme on women in mumbai 1992 2002Jadhav, Surendra HPatel, Vibhuti
14-Aug-2017Exploitation and evaluation of biocontrol agents for the management of pigeonpea Cajanus Cajan L Mill sp wilt caused by Fusarium Udum butlerSingh, MadhuriSingh, P N
2-Aug-2018Exploitation of biological N2 fixation for improvement of crop yieldMukhopadhyay, DebabrataSen, S P
11-Mar-2016Exploitation of cyanobacteria for photohydrogen production and wastewater treatmentShah, VishalMadamwar, Datta
12-Feb-2018Exploitation of in vitro tissue culture in tuberose polianthes tuberosa LBindhani, Birendra KumarBehera, Bharati
4-Jul-2016Exploitation of litter degrading fungi for ethanol production and biobleaching of hardwood kraft pulpPalaniswamy, MSwaminathan, K
29-Aug-2017Exploitation of some essential oils as herbal fumigants against post harvest biodeterioration of maizeSingh, Prashant KumarMishra, A K
19-Sep-2022Fabrication of Nanoparticles from Subabul Stem Lignin Exploitation of its Potential as Matrix in NanobioformulationRao ,yearla srinivasaPadmasree ,K.P.M.S.V.
11-Apr-2016Gender relations in medieval India with special reference to inequalities and exploitationSingh, BhajanSachdeva, Veena