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Showing results 1 to 20 of 30  next >
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30-Jan-2017A comparative study of efficacy of the direct method and the bilingual method of teaching English to lower classes of secondary schools in rural area of Maharashtra state an experimentApparao, Gaikwad MahadeoMali, M G
8-May-2017A descriptive and an experimental study in the field of study habits_skills of the students in the secondary schoolsGhalsasi, Pushpa GovindKarandikar, Suman P
21-Apr-2021A study of an experiment in creating an effective school climateEkambaram, BDesai, D V
17-Dec-2015An experiment to study the cognitive and affective effects of informative and persuasive approaches of the video films regarding acquired immuno deficiency syndrome AIDSPahad,AnjaliShah,Anupama
9-Jul-2018Developing Academic Writing Using A Corpus Based Genre Approach An ExperimentSuman RaniUdaya, M
15-Apr-2016Education through television a sociological study in a select university in IranSaeedi, RahmanSabbarwal, Sherry
15-Jan-2018Educational philosophy of sriaurobindo and its experiment in OrissaDash, GayadharMohanty, Jagannath
13-Apr-2016Effect of various modes of feedback in micro teaching on selected teaching skills of prospective teachers in relation to gender and attitude towards teachingBala, InduSharma, Tripta
13-Jun-2016Estimation of multicomponent system reliabilitySuranagi, M DMunoli, S B
26-Aug-2014Eugene O Neill_ an experiment in formAlkaArun Kumar
17-Apr-2021Evolving Self Instructional Package In The Subject Of Home ScienceSingh, UmmedMehta, Neelam J
6-Oct-2015Experiment of coalition government in indian political systemLaskar, Misbahur RahmanSuryawanshi, D N
25-Jan-2018Experimental and immunohistochemical studies on the pituitary gland of some anuran amphibiansSamantaray, HarapriyaNaik, D R
16-Feb-2018Ganit shikshanman bahumadhyam samputni rachana ane asarkaraktano abhyasPatel, Mukundbhai MNayak, Ilaben
28-Oct-2016Industrial democracy an experiment in Rourkela steel plantSahoo, Kshetra MohanKumar, Abhay
1-Sep-2017Investigation on some modified transducers for measurement of process variablesMarick, SamikBera, S C
2-Jan-2014Modulatory studies on experimental cervical carcinogenesis in murine model systemBist, ArchanaAshraf, J
25-Oct-2016Ontogenic development with special reference to sex differentiation in the olive ridley sea turtle lepidochelys olivacea eschscholtzBehera, MaheswarHejmadi, P Mohanty
8-Jun-2016Operation of selective credit controls in India since 1956Bhat, M NarayanaPrasad, Bhagawati
19-Apr-2016Phytotoxic effects of cadmium stress on some leguminous cropsKumar, AnilDhir, K K