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6-Jan-20142-Pyranones-Derived arenes and Heteroarenes as biodynamic agentsVerma, DeeptiGoel, Atul
6-Jan-2014Analysis of single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in genes related to resistance or susceptibility to Plasmodium falciparum Malaria in the Indian populationSinha, SwapnilHabib, Saman
6-Jan-2014Cellular and Molecular studies on the Endoplasmic Reticulum Mediated Survival and death Mechanisms in cerebral IschemiaNakka, Venkata Prasuja.Raghubir, Ram
30-Dec-2013Characterization and modulation of the interaction between HIV-1 accessory protein Nef and its cellular host proteinsGupta, SudiptiTripathi, Kamal Raj
13-May-2014Characterization of leishmania donovani protein (s) involved in metabolic pathwayVatsyayan, RitRoy, Uma
6-Jan-2014Chemotherapy of visceral leishmaniasis: molecular and biochemical approachRameshGupta, Suman
6-Jan-2014Colloidal delivery system bearing antibiotic for treatment of septic shockJain, VikasPal, Raghawendra
6-Jan-2014Design and synthesis of CCK-8 derived peptidomimetics as selective inhibitors of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP 1B) for the development of anti-diabetic agentsSharma, AjayKatti, S B
6-Jan-2014Development of anti-resorptive compound in the management of OsteoporosisDe, TanayaSingh, Man Mohan
6-Jan-2014Diversity oriented organic synthesis of biologically important moleculesDas, Sajal KumarPanda, Gautam
26-May-2014Folding unfolding studies on glucose oxidase and hyaluronidaseAkhtar, Md. SohailBhakuni, Vinod
13-May-2014Identification and characterization of important structural and functional elements of a pore-forming toxin hemolysin E, isolated from a pathogenic strain of Escherichia coliYadav, Sharada PrasadGhosh, Jimut Kanti
6-Jan-2014Identification and characterization of stage specific genes(s) in amastigote form of Leishmania donovani through microarrayBaig, Mirza SaqibGoyal, Neena
6-Jan-2014Identification and charecterization of chorismate mutase from mycobacterium tuberculosis H37RvAgrawal, HimanshuArora, A
6-Jan-2014Identification of mycobacterial regulatory sequences affectiing virulenceShrivastava, Rahul.Srivastava, Ranjana
15-May-2014An in vitro approach for assessing teratogenicity of compounds by using rat whole embryo cultureSingh, GyanendraSinha, Neeraj
13-May-2014Investigations into the role of hypothetical apicoplast-encoded proteins of plasmodium falciparumChaubey, SushmaHabib, Saman
30-Dec-2013Molecular and biochemical studies on nitric oxide synthase in polymorphonuclear leukocytes under normal and pathological conditionsSaluja, RohitDikshit, Madhu
13-May-2014Pteridine reductase 1 (PTR1) as a target for antifolate chemotherapy against leishmania donovaniKumar, PranavSingh, Neeloo
31-Dec-2013QSAR and modeling studies on antimalarial and antitubercular agentsGupta, Manish KumarPrabhakar, S Yenamandra