Browsing by Keyword Drug delivery

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27-Dec-2023Biobased superabsorbent hydrogels and their potential applicationsBora, AshokKarak, Niranjan
11-Apr-2016Biodegradable polymers for drug delivery synthesis and characterizationHire Santosh LaxmanKulkarni M G
14-Jul-2015Characterization of Curcumin di acetate AimeBrain Targeting and Formulation and Evaluation of Mucoadhesive Microspheres of CurcuminSajid, Mr Mohd.Dhar, Dr K L
7-Mar-2019Chemical modification of natural polysaccharides for modulated drug deliveryPawan KumarChopra, Harish Kumar and Kamlesh Kumari
5-Apr-2018Design and development of Nanoemulsions and Hydrogel Based Systems For Enhanced Intestinal Permeability and Controlled Release of PhytochemicalsKumar, ArunMalairaman, Udayabanu
11-Apr-2016Design and development of polymeric nanoparticles for drug deliveryBhatnagar PriyankaGupta K. C. and Pradeep Kumar
15-Jan-2020Design and synthesis of novel cationic reagents as efficient delivery agents for biomoleculesMahato, ManoharKumar, Pradeep and Sharma, Ashwani Kumar
24-Jan-2017Design and synthesis of novel hydrogels for Drug delivery and tissue engineering applicationsAnumon, V. D.Badiger,Manohar V.
5-Aug-2020Design characterization and optimization of soft assemblies for benzyl isothiocyanate a poorly soluble nutraceuticalUppal, ShivaniMehta, S.K.; Kaur , Khushwinder; Bhatia, Alka
11-Aug-2011Development and characterization of microsponge based colonic drug delivery systemsJain, VikasSingh, Ranjit
9-Jan-2019Development and characterization of starch nanoparticles from different botanical sources and their applications in drug deliveryVikashSandhu, Kawaljit Singhnn
10-Jan-2018Development and evaluation of natural polysaccharide based floating mucoadhesive microspheres of ranitidineSahu, Vikram KumarSaraf, Shubhini A
17-Nov-2023Development and evaluation of sustained release injectable formulations of milnacipran and aripiprazoleLavjot KaurSinha, V.R.
16-Mar-2020Development of Targeted Drug Delivery System for Breast CancerSharma, ArunMalairaman, Udayabanu
29-May-2023Evaluation of nano assemblies for encapsulation of immunomodulating agentsJyotiMehta, S.K. and Salunke, Deepak B.
1-May-2024Exploration of different 3D printing techniques for the prototyping of engineered delivery systems against neglected diseasesChoudhury, DineshBanerjee, Subham
21-Jul-2023Exploring utilities of metallosurfactant based liposomes and their impact on properties of biological moleculesBaljinder KaurGurpreet Kaur and Chaudhary, Ganga Ram
18-Jan-2024Self assembled nano micro scale architects of amino acid and peptide based molecules design generation and potential biomedical applicationsPrabhjot SinghWangoo, Nishima and Sharma, Rohit K. and Katare, Om P.
8-Feb-2024Stimuli responsive hydrogel composite materials for potential environmental and biological applicationsNirbhai SinghMehta, S. K. and Dan, Abhijit
26-Nov-2021Studies On Biopolymer Based Nanoparticles For Delivery Of LithiumGeevaShoba Narayan