Browsing by Keyword Drosophila melanogaster

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14-Aug-2023An analysis of mutants in the taste pathway of Drosophila melanogasterBalakrishnan, RohiniSiddiqi,O
17-Sep-2019Characterization of the strain In_1_BM2_reinverted_ of Drosophila melanogasterGuru, PriyankaKar, Anita and Shukla, Swati Kulkarni
13-Jan-2022Effect of sex ratio distortion on life history traits morphological divergence and metabolic parameters in Drosophila melanogasterDubey, PragyaSingh, Arvind Kumar
1-Apr-2022Evaluation of dose dependent impact of nanoparticles NPs in drosophila melanogasterRaj, AkankshaAgrawal, Namita
28-Apr-2022Evolution of critical size and its role in life history traits of Drosophila melanogaster populations simultaneously selected for two traitsKhushbooShakarad, Mallikarjun
22-Jun-2016Experience dependent synaptic plasticity in the olfactory system of adult Drosophila melanogasterMadhumala, K. S.Vijayraghavan, K.
10-Jan-2020Functional implication of Deltex as a modulator of Notch and JNK signaling in Drosophila melanogasterDutta, DebdeepMukherjee, Ashim
19-Jul-2024Functional implications of non muscle myosin II Zipper in regulation of Notch signaling in Drosophila melanogasterVerma, DiptiMukherjee, Ashim
11-Aug-2023Genetic and neurophysiological investigation of taste reception in Drosophila melanogasterSathe, Swati SSiddiqi, O
31-May-2022Identification and characterization of miRNAs and their targets in Spodoptera sppMahendran.CSingh, A.K. and Bhatnagar, Raj K
25-Feb-2016In vivo screening of biologically active phytochemicals for gene targeted drug interactions using Drosophila melanogasterAritakula, AnuradhaAnnadurai, R. S.
12-Aug-2024Integrating Arrowhead SERCA and Deltex novel insights into their roles in signaling pathways in Drosophila melanogasterSingh, JyotiMukherjee, Ashim
2-Mar-2015Mechanism of olfactory long term habituation in Drosophila melanogasterDas, SudeshnaVijayRaghavan, K.
18-Jul-2016Molecular genetic studies of neuromodulatory action of Decalepis hamiltonii compounds in transgenic Drosophila melanogaster model of ParkinsonismJahromi, Samaneh ReiszadehRamesh, S. R.
19-Jun-2023Monitoring and management of oxidative stress at molecular level a paradigm system for regulation demography of insectsSubedi, Rambhadur PurnabahadurKale, Purushottam
25-Aug-2011Neural correlates of olfactory learning in Drosophila melanogasterChakraborty, Tuhin SubhraSiddiqi, Obaid
4-Jul-2014Radiation genetics of Drosophila melanogaster : lack of evidence for maternal repairGoswami, VeenaKesavan, P C
21-Feb-2017Role of LIM domain proteins in indirect flight muscle development and function in Drosophila melanogasterMohan, J.Ramesh, S. R.
7-Feb-2020Role of Rab11 in the development of salivary glands and malpighian tubules in drosophila melanogasterChoubey,Praween KumarRoy,J. K.
3-Oct-2023Role of scalloped in embryonic nervous system and wing blade development in Drosophila melanogasterChopra, AbhaRodrigues, Veronica