Browsing by Keyword Drosophila

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4-Jan-2016Adaptive Significance of Circadian Rhythms in two species of the montium subgroup of DrosophilaPalakshaShakunthala, V.
18-Oct-2016Analysis of genic variation in three cosmopolitan drosophila species populationsShamina, ShaminaParkash, Ravi
4-Apr-2017Analysis of stress response of a malarial vector mosquito_ Anopheles StephensiLole, Kavita SDeobagkar, D N
17-Apr-2017Analysis of the effects of biotic and abiotic parameters on the physiology and behaviour of DrosophilaSatralkar, M KJoshi, D S and Martin, E R
21-May-2014Appendage development in drosophila: basic patterns and modifications by homeotic genesBajpai, RuchiShashidhara, L S
25-Sep-2023Biochemical and molecular analyses of genome instabilities and repair with a special emphasis on human translin proteinSengupta, KundanRao, B J
25-Jul-2017Characterization of fractional mutations in drosophila melanogaster and its implication to maternal repairBhatia, NainaMukherjee, A S
28-Jul-2017Cloning and characterization of repeat DNA sequences of anopheles stephensiVilekar, NeelamDeobagkar, D D
8-Apr-2013Conserved peripheral and central roles of transcription factors, empty spiracles and orthodenticle, in Drosophila olfactory system developmentSen, SoniaVijay Raghavan K
3-Oct-2023Cytogenetic studies in turnera ulmifolia LINN VAR angustifolia willdTarar, Jeevankumar LDnyansagar, V R
11-Sep-2018Development of neuroprotective strategies utilizing selected spice activesSriranjini, V.Guide: Rajini, P. S. ; Co-Guide: Muralidhara
10-Jul-2017Developmental genetics of sexcomb and bristle pattern mutants and genetic control of differentiation in drosophilaDatta, Rajat KumarMukherjee, A S
16-Jan-2024Developmental genetics of the pattern formation in the chemosensory sytem of drosophila melanogasterGupta, Bhagwati PrasadRodrigues, V
26-Jul-2017Dosage compensation and replication in relation to sex transforming mutants and x aneuploids in drosophilaMutsuddi, DebasisDattagupta, Ashish K
30-Aug-2023Drosophila neurochemistry study of drop dead an adult early lethal mutationAcharya, Shashikant RMaitra, P K
17-Oct-2016Ecological genetics and climatic adaptations of Indian drosophila species and populationsBhardwaj, ArchanaParkash, Ravi
14-Oct-2016Ecological genetics of melanism desiccation resistance and thermal stress adaptations in drosophila species and populationsSharma, VineetaParkash, Ravi
18-Oct-2016Ecological genetics of quantitative traits in drosophilaSingh, ManvenderParkash, Ravi
31-Dec-2015Effect of antiepileptic drugs on life history traits of few species of DrosophilaGayathri, D SHarini, B P
17-Dec-2022Effect of certain carcinogens on different stages of life cycle of drosophila melanogasterGautam, SarikaKumar, Ajay