Browsing by Keyword Dravidian

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Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
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25-Apr-2016A study of assertiveness as related to locus of control need for social approval Extraversion and Neuroticism in working and non working womenUberoi, AnuradhaMohan, Vidhu
13-Oct-2017Anthropometry and body composition in Mundari and Dravidian speaking populations of IndiaChatterjee, DiptenduBandyopadhyay, Arup Ratan
10-Apr-2017Ballads of north Malabar_ a descriptive and comparative studySujatha, JBiligiri, H S
31-Jul-2018Dravidian English A Phonetic StudyHetcherla, Narendra KumarRaju, Salivendra Jaya
29-May-2017Intonational patterns in indo_aryan and dravidian with special reference to the structure of vowel soundsTaskar, Anand DinkarSankaran, C R
14-Jun-2017Kanyakumari Muslim Tamil a descriptive analysisAbdul Salam, F SKelkar, Ashok R
20-Feb-2017Kerala elements in kootiyattam_ a cultural and linguistic analysisVarma, Devi KAjayakumar, N
14-Jun-2017Kondekor Gadaba a Dravidian languageRao, Peri BaskaraAnonymous
10-Apr-2017Koraga Grammar _A descriptive study of dravidian dialect_Shetty, Rmakrishna TBiligiri, H S
6-Dec-2023Linguistic analysis of bird names in TeluguBhushan, Tulasi BharatKhokle, Vasant S
7-Jun-2016Linguistic investigation of some problems on the relationship of Indo Aryan and Dravidian languagesHiremath, R CHandemath, S C
24-Sep-2018Literary translation as an art of compromise With special reference to Hindi English literary translationYadav, Mahabir PrasadDeshpande, L S
28-Sep-2017Non_Indo_Aryan elements in Sanskrit vocabularyAcharya, A SGhatage, A M
12-May-2017The duration and distribution phenomena of speech elements in dravidian _Tamil and Telugu_Ganeshsundaram, P CSankaran, C R
12-Mar-2020The influence of Dravidian especially Telugu on the Odia languagePradhan, PitambarTripathi, KB
10-Oct-2016The influence of the Dravidian linguistic background in the evolution of the Indo Aryan languagesTatti, S RGal, Gal