Browsing by Keyword Curculionidae

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
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25-Apr-2016A study of the biology of curculionidae based on representative species Coleptera InsectaNanda, NeelimaPajni, H R
5-May-2016Caryological studies on the India ColeopteraYadava, Joginder SinghSharma, G P
21-Apr-2016Chromosome studies on some Indian curculionidae and their significance in taxonomy coleoptera insectaGulati, ManjuPajni, H R
9-May-2017Comparative histomorphology and certain aspects of physiology of the digestive tract of odoiporus longicollis oliv coleoptera curculionidaeOinam, Lukhoi SinghPrasad, B
18-Apr-2016Studies on the internal reproductive organs of Indian curculionidae and their taxonomic significanceShobha, AmarPajni, H R
25-Apr-2016Studies on the taxonomy of Indian alcidodinae curculionidae coleopteraKumari, SantoshPajni, H R
19-Apr-2016Studies on the taxonomy of some Indian cryptorhynchinae curculionidae coleopteraSingh, LehnaPajni, H R
21-Apr-2016Study of the internal reproductive organs of some Indian curculionidae and their significance in taxonomy coleoptera insectaKum, KumPajni, H R
15-Apr-2016Taxonomic studies on some Indian otiorrhynchinae coleoptera curculionidae with special reference to the structure of external genitaliaKukreja, NeenaPajni, H R
21-Apr-2016Taxonomic studies on some Indian species of subfamilies rhynchaeninae hylobiinae and cleoninae curculionidae coleopteraKumari, SukeshaPajni, H R
19-Apr-2016Taxonomic studies on some Indian zygopinae with special reference to the external genitalia Curculionidae ColeopteraKumar, DalipPajni, H R