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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
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25-Jul-2017A study of saivism of the epic and the puranic periods together with its ancillary cults with special reference to the saiva religious practices prevalent in South India and CeylonKailasanatha Kurukkal, KAnonymous
5-Jan-2016Assamese version of the mahabharata during vaisnava periodBaruah, Sadananda Bezn.d.
20-Oct-2015Bhakti cult of the bhagavata puranaThakkar, Muktaben DasharathbhaiJani, A N
17-Dec-2015Bodhisattva cult and sculpture an iconolgical study with special reference to Maitreya Volume 1 TextKim,InchangPanikkar,Shivaji K
17-Oct-2016Cult of joy and beauty in the poetry of Rabindranath Tagore and Sri AurobindoSaini, Mohinder KRattan, Narinder K
8-Jan-2016Evolution of the cult of Ganesa in ancient and medieval AssamDeka, DigantaBarua, Bharati
8-Jun-2016Hindu Muslim religious synthesis in Raja bag Sawar temple of YamanurHiremath, V CKadetotad, N K
30-Dec-2016History of the Siva cult in Tamilnad from the Sangam age to the CholasRajendran, ARajeswari, D R
5-Jan-2016Manasa cult and literature in AssamBarman, Narayan ChandraSarma, Satyendranath
26-Jul-2017Pin cult and its literature in Barasat Basirhat regionDas, Girindra Nathn.d.
25-Jan-2018Rajadhiraja yoga the concept and the cultPanigrahi, Prasant KumarMohanty, A K
5-Jan-2016Saiva cult and saiva literature of AssamKalita, Narendra ChandraSarma, Satyendranath
8-Jan-2016Sakti cult in pragjyotisha kamarupaBarman, RamaniBarua, Bharati
25-Jan-2018Siva cult in OrissaBiswal, BansidharMohanty, Janaki Ballabha
21-Jun-2017The cult of Candi its development and socio ritual impact on the folk life with reference to West BengalManna, SibenduSarkar, Rebati Mohon
20-Jun-2017The cult of JagannathaMishra, K CBanerjea, J N
18-Oct-2018The cult of Satyanarayana a synthesis of different religious ideas in rural IndiaChakraborty, AnimeshMaitra, Juthika
28-Jul-2017Vedic puranic element in the Bengali folk cultMukhopadhyay, KshetramohanChatterjee, Asoke