Browsing by Keyword Crystallization

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 73  next >
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27-Aug-2020A numerical analysis of isothermal and nonisothermal crystallization kinetics of Se7oTe3o glassSingh, RajpalBhargava, Anami
7-Jun-2022Ancient Indian medicine in the work of caraka susruta and vagbha a textual and historical studyShankar KumarJha,D.N. and Thakran, R.C.
17-Mar-2023Anti-urolithiatic potential of selected Indian medicinal plantsFaujdar, ChetnaPriyadarshini.
1-Sep-2022Applications of ni ag nanoparticles and bmim bf4 in the syntheses of n ocontaining heterocyclesSnehaKhurana, J. M.
24-May-2016Biochemical studies on animal rennetsMathur, M PBhalerao, V R
30-Mar-2017Blends of poly _Butylene terephthalate_ a study of compatibility and mechanical propertiesNabi Saheb, DJog, J P
26-Jul-2017Ceramization of the glassy phase in the SiO2 Al2O3 refractories systemDatta, TanmoyChaudhuri, S P
7-Jun-2022Coordination complexes appended with pyridine or arylcarboxylic acid groups extended ensembles and functional materialsGirijesh KumarGupta, Rajeev
22-Jan-2021Crystal engineering in the gem alkynols pseudopolymorphism as a model for crystallizationBanerjee, RahulDesiraju, G R
7-Aug-2014Crystalization morphology and ultimate properties of polypropylene based thermoplastic elastomersJoseph, C AjuJoseph, Kuruvila; Thomas, Sabu
13-Jan-2021Crystallization kinetics and hardness studies of some chalcogenide glasses for the development of phase change memoriesRao, VanditaDwivedi, D.K.
26-Aug-2022Design and synthesis of novel pyridones and benzopyran 2 ones as potential bio active compounds and synthesis of glycerol based mixed esters and dendrimer building blocksJalal, SarahSharma, Sunil Kumar
29-May-2017Design synthesis and bioevaluation of bile acid beta_lactam conjugates studies directed towards the synthesis of squalamine and enantioselective reduction of prochiral ketones using chiral amino alcoholsVatmurge, Namdev SHazra, Braja G
16-Feb-2023Development of a Crystallizer Image Analyzer System and Its Application in Optical Bandgap Modification of Tri Glycine SulphateVijeesh, PSupriya, M H
10-Nov-2023Development of reactive separation techniques for fatty acidsKantaria, Ramesh NiranjanbhaiGaikar, Vilas G
18-Apr-2017Diastereoselective synthesis of beta_lactamsSrirajan, VBhawal, B M
12-Mar-2020Diffusion growth crystallization and ion beam induced effects in thin filmsKamila, JagajitDev, Bhupendra Nath
30-Mar-2017Effect of additives and comonomers on crystallization and solid state polymerization of polyestersBhoje Gowd, ERamesh, C
10-Mar-2016Effect of medicinal plants on crystallization of cholesterol and crystallization of cholic acidSaraswathi, NTGnanam, FD
15-Sep-2014Effect of minor additives on crystallization of transparentSharma, NeetuSharma, L K