Browsing by Keyword Crystallisation

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
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13-Jul-2018Extracellular production of glutamic acid and valine by Bacillus SPChatterjee, ShyamalenduChatterjee, S P
11-Aug-2015Factors affecting evaporation and crystallisation of sodium chloride in dynamic conditionJain,G CDatar,D S
18-Apr-2016Geochemistry and zircon ages of Biharipur Dabla granitoids north Khetri copper belt Sikar district Rajasthan India petrogenetic and tectonic implicationsKaur, ParampreetChaudhri, Naveen
4-Mar-2016Investigations on the crystallisation of calcium phosphate biomaterials and the trace element analyses of the urinary stones and gallstonesAshok, MKalkura, S Narayana
31-May-2017Part I_Syntheses of karanjin analogues by the ranjorwa reaction_Part II_A study of mechanism of the Rasoda reaction with special reference to the properties of dihydroflavonols_Part III_Extension of the rasoda reaction to a polyhydroxy ketone and its derivativeMarathe, Keshav GangadharLimaye, D B
30-Mar-2017Poly _Arylene sulphide_thermotropic liquid crystalline polymer blendsGopakumar, T GPonrathnam, S
20-Mar-2018Preparation of plating baths by electrolytic dissolution of metals and their performance characteristicsSilaimani Moorthy, SMNarasimham, K C
7-Jun-2016Quantitative estimation of the component acids of seed oils by chromatographic methodsDaulatabad, C DBadami, R C
4-Aug-2023Studies in the asymmetric synthesis of sulphur and oxygen containing biologically active compoundsNer, Dilip HariMerchant, J R
21-Mar-2016Studies on periodic crystallisation of cadmium hydroxide and cadmium sulfide in agar agar gelPalaniandavar, NRamasamy, P
25-Jan-2018Symbolism in the plays of Edward albeeMishra, Gokul ChandraPatnaik, Jitendra Narayan
4-Mar-2016Synthesis characterisation and catalytic properties of ZSM 5 zeolites effect of tetrabutyl phosphonium cation as template and modifierLingappan, NKrishnasamy, V