Browsing by Keyword Crystalline

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 115  next >
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19-Apr-2016A study of the crystalline rocks around Kulu Kulu valley Himachal Pradesh IndiaMehta, Pritam KumarPande, I C
4-Jan-2016A study on geochronology of some crystalline rocks and minerals of the Meghalaya plateau by SSNTD techniqueGhosh, UdayanPathak, K M
20-Jun-2017A thesis on thermal behaviour of the crystalline magnetic properties of some paramagnetic saltsPal, DiptiBose, A
11-Aug-2015Acid hydrolysis and formylation of cellulose treated with different swelling agentsNair,G ParameswaranMehta,P C
15-Apr-2016Amorphous to crystalline transitional effects on electrical and optical properties of MSe M In ga Sb alloysAl Attar, Falah Ibrahim MustafaTripathi, Surya Kant
20-Jun-2017An investigation into the origin of the crystalline electric field in rare earth compounds and a study on some aspects of nuclear magnetic resonanceRaychaudhuri, Arun KumarRay, D K
25-Apr-2018Analysis of very fast transient over voltages in gis transformers using wavelet techniquesK. PrakasamDr. M. Suryakalavathi
25-Jan-2017Annealing studies on some irradiated crystalline nitratesMishra, Jitendra KumarMohanty, S R
15-Mar-2018Certain investigations on the performance of intelligent controller for vector control of PV fed induction motor driveN, RameshkumarRahman, A M J Md Zubair
20-Jun-2017Changes in the structure of some paramagnetic crystalline salts with temperatureBhowmik, GouriBose, A
14-Oct-2016Characterization of some ion bombarded amorphous crystalline semiconductors and investigation of their electronic and optical propertiesSingh, PartapBhatia, K L
30-Jan-2024Charge self consistent lcao band structure CSCBS calculations and application to some transition metal carbides and nitrides and high Tc superconductorsPai, Vinayak ASathe, A P
21-Jun-2017Charge transfer interaction in crystalline molecular complexesDas, Aloke KumarBasu, Rama
29-May-2017Compatibilisation by chain coupling agents_ engineering polymers_thermotropic liquid crystalline polymer blendsPatel, RajkumarPonrathnam, S
22-Sep-2017Computer simulation studies of some novel liquid crystalline phasesBose, Tushar KantiSaha, Jayashree
3-Jun-2016Conducting polymers and their hybrid materials For chemosensor and catalytic applicationsMurugan, CSubramanian, E
19-Apr-2016Contribution to the geology and geochemistry of the ophiolites and associated sediments in Dras Kargil and adjoining areas of Ladakh J and KAnand, RajeshGupta, V J
12-Jun-2017Decomposition of oxyanionic solids by low energy ions and electronsJoshi, Pratibha PRao, T S
5-Jan-2016Density and birefringence studies on some liquid crystalline nO Om compounds N n p alkoxy benzylidene p n alkoxy anilinesFakruddin,K.Kumar,R. Jeevan
2-Aug-2018Design and synthesis of Chiral liquid crystalline materials containing cholesterol moietyMondal, ShovanMajumdar, K C