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5-Nov-2020A comparative study of occupational stress physical activity status and burnout among personnel of different forcesKumar, SandeepSingh, Mahender and Kumar, Rajesh
1-Jul-2016A motivational analysis of burnout among sport coaches with specific reference to probabilistic orientation social desirability alienation role conflict and job related tensionGovindarasu, SNarayanan, S
14-Aug-2017A study of burnout in relation to some personality factors and locus of control among higher secondary school teachersChandra, AkhileshSrivastava, Bina
1-Nov-2017A study of burnout tendency among teachers of different professional courses in relation to their role conflict organizational climate and attitudeRahman, MahmoodurSrivastava, Bina
10-Jun-2016A study of emotional intelligence burnout adjustment needs and personality needs and creativity of effective and non effective Science teachers of central government and state government secondary schoolsKrishnappa, V KPanchalingappa, Shahapur Nagappa
16-Dec-2015A study of meaning in life stress and burnout in teachers of secondary schools in calcuttaMisra,MonicaDesai,D B
17-Nov-2023A study of occupational stress burnout and their correlates among health care professionalsChauhan, NayantaraMohan, Jitendra And Sehgal, Meena
3-May-2016A study of role stress burnout and coping style of teacher educatorsTripathi,VibhaOza,Dipti
25-Jul-2016A study of subjective well being and job burnout in relation to systems of the organisation and personality of the individualKumudha, AGovindaraju, V
18-Aug-2017A study of teacher burnout in relation to job satisfaction mental health and life satisfactionKumar, KamleshSingh, Ashok Kumar
4-Nov-2020A study of teacher burnout in unaided engineering colleges of Jalgaon district in relation to job satisfaction and suggest strategies to reduce itShukla, Ravindra NarmadashankarZambre, M A
27-Dec-2019A study on burnout personality and social support among members of religious communitiesVA, AleyPrashantham, BJ
8-Jun-2016An investigation into the interaction effect of some factors on burnout among teacher educators in KarnatakaKailaslingam, H MKasinath, H M
16-Aug-2021Assessment of occupational stress and burnout among field police personnelRoz, Hiteshkumar BabubhaiRaval, Dimpal T
12-Apr-2016Attitude of women teachers towards teaching profession as related to values self actualization job satisfaction and burnoutDhaliwal, Jasvir KaurSodhi, G S
11-Apr-2016Burnout among secondary school teachers in relation to eysenck personality dimensions and attitude towards teachingKaur, ManpreetBedi, S P
28-Mar-2019Burnout among sports persons at various levels of competition in relation to their psychological well beingRajeshwar Pal KaurGurmeet Singh
15-Apr-2016Burnout in relation to self concept and introversion extraversion among elementary school teachers in AssamKhaleque, AbdulGupta, Asha
5-Apr-2019Burnout in service sector a comparative studyShrivastava, GitanjaliBapna, Ira; Gupta, Rajeev
21-Apr-2016Burnout locus of control and mental health of teachers in eastern province of KenyaKamau, Catherine WanjikuGupta, Asha