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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
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17-Oct-2016Application of graphs and their properties in database technology a special reference to graph databasesBordoloi, SubhrajyotiKalita, Bichitra
6-Oct-2016Augmentation of ASCE design tables for circular cylindrical shells without edge beams and with edge beams volume 1Perumal, PVaidyanathan, R
21-Nov-2017Augmentation of distilled water production in humidification dehumidification desalinationC, MuthusamySrithar, K
6-Mar-2017Augmentation of head transfer using turbulence promoting metal grits on collector surface of a solar air heaterVithoba, Karmare SuhasA N, Tikekar
19-Apr-2012Augmentation of turbulent flow heat transfer using tube insertsNaga Sarada, CSita Rama Raju, A V
17-Sep-2019CFD prediction of the heat transfer and friction characteristics of partially decaying and full length swirl flows in tubes due to twisted tape inserts for the turbulent flow regimeYadav, Rupesh JaisingPadalkar, Atul S
10-Mar-2016Comprehensive investigations on wear resistance augmentation in tool and die steels through cryogenic treatmentLal, DMohanRenganarayanan, S
4-Mar-2016Electronic band structure and physical properties of some of the transition metal aluminium intermetallicsRavi, CAsokamani, R
16-Nov-2017Energy efficient approach to gas turbine inlet air cooling for power augmentationJ, Nagesh KumarAlwarsamy, T
24-Mar-2017Some studies on variable compression ratio engine for performance augmentation using diesel and biodiesel blendsSanthosh, M.Padmanaban, K. P.
14-Mar-2016Strategies for sustainable water development and management in Meghal River basin of SaurashtraPriyan, KhadeejaDalwadi, H J
11-Apr-2016Study of alternative loop ringsKaila, AnjanaBhandari, A K
29-Dec-2023Substitution and augmentation in the development of Sanskrit with special reference to sandhi samasa and the roots chapters of Paninis AstadhayiBhandare, V VDange, S A
8-Apr-2016XAFS characterization of disordered nanoclusters and augmentation of Indus 2 XAFS beamlines for extreme thermodynamic conditionsRamanan, NityaDeo, M N