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24-Feb-2022A Comparative Evaluation of Patient Controlled Analgesia PCA With Nurse Delivered Analgesia NDA in Postoperative Pain Relief and Their Effect on Pulmonary Function After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting CABG SurgeryLodh, SubhabrataSatapathy, G.C.
23-Sep-2022A Comparative Study on Statistical Learning Abilities in Persons with Aphasia and Neuro Typical IndividualsDarshan, H. S.Goswami, S. P.
24-Feb-2022A Cross Sectional Study to Assess the Cognitive Function with Severity of Dependence and Motivation to Quit in Patients With Substance Use DisorderDua, ShivaniDas, R.C.
18-May-2021A longitudinal study on auditory developmental responses in very preterm moderately preterm and late preterm infantsJayashree SPrakash Boominathan
12-Jun-2024A Study of Autonomic Functions in SchizophreniaANJUM DATTARAJESH MISHRA
30-Jan-2023A study on the influence of hypothyroidism in inducing changes in the audiological profileRajasekaranAnuradha C R
9-Feb-2022Acoustic and articulatory characteristics of Malayalam speaking children using Cochlear implantDeepthy Ann JoySreedevi, N.
7-Jan-2025Addresing energy and transmission pricing issues in deregulates electricity marketsNaren Bharatwaj V.Abhyankar, A R
5-May-2021Analysis of cry in infants with high risk factorsMeghashreeNataraja, N. P.
19-Apr-2024Auditory continuity illusion and Perceptual restoration of speech in noise Relationship with speech intelligibility in noise in individuals with normal hearing and cochlear hearing lossVijayasarathy, SrikarBarman, Animesh
16-Feb-2022Auditory neurophysiological and cognitive factors of hearing aid acclimatization in individuals with cochlear hearing lossMeghaSandeep M.
23-Sep-2022Auditory vestibular functions in individuals with multiple sclerosisVignesh, S. S.Rajalakshmi, K.
28-Apr-2021Behavioral and electrophysiological correlates of auditory visual integration in persons with stutteringDhatri S. DevarajuAjith Kumar, U.
9-Feb-2022Bilingual effect on written language skills in Kannada English bilingual biliterate children with learning disabilityAmoolya, G.Shanbal, Jayashree. C.
19-Apr-2024Brainstem neurophysiological correlates of pitch coding in vocal and instrumental musiciansPrajna Bhat, J.Rajalakshmi, K.
14-Feb-2022Categorical Perception and Processing of Speech and Music Stimuli in Individuals with and without Music TrainingYashaswini, L.Sandeep, M.
23-Sep-2022Clinical Validation of Wideband Absorbance Tympanometry in Detecting Middle Ear DisordersArunraj, K.Barman, Animesh
14-Feb-2022Cognitive and ERP measures of informational masking in young and elderly normal hearing individualsAnoop, B. J.Ajith Kumar, U.
14-Feb-2022Cognitive linguistic processing in native adult speakers of KannadaNiharika, M. K.Prema, K. S.
9-Feb-2022Communicative deficits between persons with dementia of alzheimers type DAT and mild cognitive impairment MCIVarghese, Reuben ThomasGoswami, S. P.